Saturday, February 22, 2014

Interview Day!!!

I got to school at 07:30am this morning ready to begin a very long day of filming interviews.  My first interview was on time.  by noon i had competed half of my interview. I thought things were going very smooth... then I got a phone call telling me that my next interview was running about 4 hours late, and with him was the rest of the people i was going to interview that day.  SUCK!!!

While  I was sitting on my butt waiting for my interviewees, Ashley was on site at Silver Reef to get B-Roll and film a geologist presentation on the phenomena of silver being found in Sand Stone.  It was a really good presentation...she did AWESOME

They showed up around 5pm with them was a guest interviewee... The Mayor of Leeds.  It was almost 9pm when i was done filming the interviews... and 11pm by time i was ready to leave.

While i was cleaning up, i realized i had kept the overhead work light on for all the evening interview.  I don't know how that is going to effect the footage. We will have to just wait and see.  

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